5 Nutrition Myths You Should Stop Believing

Serge Roy • Mar 06, 2023

If you're new to fitness, there are a few nutrition myths you should drop. Read on to learn the truth about protein, carbs, and more!

It's safe to say that most of us know at least a little bit about nutrition. 

But even with all the information available today, there are still some nutritional myths that stick around as time goes on. 

Some of these myth's I heavily believed at some point also, but due to my natural curiosity and search for a weight loss solution, I learned a thing or two with "experimentation"

Here are five of the most common ones that you can safely forget about.

#1 Foods Make You Fat

We've all been there. We overindulge on a plate of grandma's home-cooked lasagna and then promise ourselves we'll start that diet tomorrow. 

But what if I told you that you don't have to feel guilty about eating that extra slice of pizza? 

In fact, there are no specific "fattening" foods. 

Because, it's not the type of food you eat that makes you fat, but rather the quantity. 

Consuming more calories than you burn in a day is what leads to weight gain, regardless of the source. 

This is called “eating in a caloric surplus.”

Oppositely, consuming LESS calories than you burn in a day, can make you lose weight (even if you eat McDonalds & Twinkies.)

This is called “eating in a caloric deficit.”

So go ahead and enjoy that delicious lasagna. 

Just be sure not to go overboard with your total daily food intake and you will be good to go!

#2 Eggs Are Bad

Contrary to popular belief, eggs are not bad for the body- in fact, they are one of the best foods you can eat. 

This is especially true if the eggs are from a quality source, such as pasture-raised chicken. 

Pasture-raised chicken have a superior nutritional profile to those from factory-farmed chicken, and the nutrients in eggs from pasture-raised chicken are of a higher quality. 

Additionally, your body can absorb and utilize nutrients from eggs better than basically any other food. 

Even more so, the egg is the standard for the "biological value of proteins (BV)."

BV is a measurement that shows how well the body digests and absorbs a protein.

Besides… Did I mention how versatile eggs are?

#3 Eating After 6

A lot of people seem to think that nighttime eating is the enemy of good physical shape. 

They believe that eating past 6 pm will somehow make them wake up the next morning heavier, or at least not as toned. 

However, it's just a myth!

If anything, eating at nighttime is the best time to have a meal because this is when the body does most of its recovery. 

Those who are physically active, especially, need to refuel after a long day so that their bodies can properly repair any muscle damage that has occurred. 

If you're going to eat at night, remember to focus on whole foods, foods that fill you up quickly.

Focus on an active day, and when you finally get the time to be home, unwind with a solid meal full of nutritious, high-quality proteins, carbs, and fats!

Your body will thank you.

#4 Whey Is Bad!

Whey protein is not only perfectly healthy, but it's also actually one of the highest quality proteins you can have. My only issue with Whey is the source of said proteins. I mentioned in a previous blog post about the potential dangers of eating protein supplements as the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA. With that said, find reliable sources of whey to maximize the potential gains.

And contrary to popular belief, it's not a 'steroid' - it's just like the protein in food. 

#5 Low Carb Is Key

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is on a low-carb diet. "Carbs are bad!" they say. Granted, an over consumption of carbs will convert to glucose which can result in weight gain.

But the fact of the matter is that carbs are not bad at all. In fact, they're a great fuel for high-intensity workouts. 

When you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is then used for energy. 

So when you're working out hard, your body needs more glucose to keep going.

That's why athletes often carb-load before an event or a competition!

They know that carbs will give them the energy they need to perform at their best. 

Besides, carbohydrates give a fuller look to the muscles because the excess (unused) carbs get stored as "glycogen" in the muscles and the liver.

If you're looking to up your workout game, don't be afraid to eat some carbs and remember myth #1 - no food is inherently fattening, it is the over consumption of said macros that lead to weight gain.

Final Thoughts

It can be tough to separate fact from fiction when it comes to healthy eating, but it’s important to do just that if you want to see results. Especially with all the misleading information that is flooding the internet.

By ditching these five nutrition myths, you can focus on making healthy changes that will actually benefit your body and mind.

In my opinion, anything in moderation is fine. So long as your moderating yourself. I still love Oreo's, fries, and all that - but the times I enjoy those things at a moderate pace.

Eat the food. Enjoy the food - but moderate it!

Are you new to fitness but could use some Personal Coaching? Click here to book your complimentary session with Coach Roy and get started with a new path to fitness today!

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