Training Isn't Just About Weights

Serge Roy • Feb 22, 2023

Is the gym everything you need for a complete physique? Find out here!

Training isn't just about lifting weights and hitting the gym. While weight training is an effective way to build muscle and strength, it's not the only form of physical activity that you should include in your routine. 

The beauty of movement is that there are many ways to achieve it, and it can be a source of joy.

For example ; I suck at dancing but I definitely burn a good amount of calories when Im dancing alone.

Mixing up your routine with activities such as yoga, swimming, cycling, or even dancing can not only improve your physical fitness but also boost your mental well-being. Which, if you ask me - is the most important thing.

It's important to remember that everybody is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

The key is to find something that you enjoy and that makes you feel good. 

Whether it's weightlifting, running, or dancing, the most important thing is that you're moving and taking care of your body, consistently.

Let’s discuss 4 alternative training activities to include in between your gym sessions.

Alternative Training Activities

As I mentioned, gym training is certainly popular right now, and there's definitely a lot of hype around working on developing muscle mass. 

But there are so many other physical activities that can give your body the variety it needs to stay in tip-top shape! 

Mixing up your exercise routine is also beneficial for reducing the risk of injury – variety is the spice of life! 

So why not try something new today and introduce a bit of variety into your training regime?

Let’s have a look at our top 4 recommendations.


Swimming is a great physical activity and can bring a whole range of benefits that you won’t find in other forms of exercise. 

It is a great form of low-impact cardio, meaning it's gentler on the body than running or other high-intensity activities. 

Swimming can also improve your strength and flexibility while providing relief from joint pain. 

Swimming can build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, and can facilitate faster weight loss if paired with the appropriate nutrition strategy. 

Plus, swimming is a great way to enjoy nature outside and make some new friends! 

There are so many reasons why everyone should incorporate swimming into their regular physical activities - so why not give it a try today?

Go for a swim! But please don't dive into shallow water.


Hiking is a great physical activity to sneak in between your gym sessions, provided you live in close proximity to The Great Outdoors. Not only can it help keep you active, but it's also an enjoyable activity that can be shared with friends and family. 

Hiking provides an opportunity to explore the outdoors while providing excellent cardiovascular exercise. 

You can also take advantage of the scenic views and fresh air while enjoying the company of those around you. 

Best of all, hiking can be low-cost and doesn’t require any special equipment or preparation - all you need is a good pair of hiking shoes.

Grab some friends and head out on an adventure (this is the only time skipping leg day is allowed, btw)


Tired of the same ol’ heavy squats, leg presses, and leg curls? Try sprints!

Sprinting is a great way to get a full-body workout, with extra emphasis on the legs. 

Sprinting is an incredibly effective form of high-intensity cardio that can help you build muscle, burn calories and increase your speed and agility. 

However I'd like to point out here that intense sprinting should be reserved for more seasoned fitness enthusiast. For beginners - simply running slightly above your normal running pace can still have major benefits of you in the long run.

As we said, it can also be used as a replacement for heavy leg days in the gym, as it provides high-intensity training output. 

Plus, sprinting can be more enjoyable than repetitively lifting weights in the gym! I mean come on, there's only so many times you can look at the endless rows of treadmills until you start hankering for the great outdoors.

So if you're looking for a way to get fit without sacrificing your leg training, try out some sprints, and if you're a true savage , try out some uphill sprints - but don't say I didn't warn you. ;)


Calisthenics is a great way to bring diversity into your training routine. This form of exercise utilizes bodyweight movements for a full-body workout, and it can be adapted to suit any level of fitness, from beginner to advanced. 

Additionally, if programmed correctly - Calisthenics can become the perfect foundation to begin your training program/fitness journey with.

I incorporate calisthenics into my routine consistently, because I've always lived by the mantra "What's the point of moving weights if you can't move your own weight efficiently?"

It is an excellent option for those looking to switch up their workouts and break away from repetitive gym routines. 

Calisthenics can also help improve balance, coordination, and flexibility, as well as strength. 

Best of all, it doesn't require any equipment or extra space – all you need is your own body... (and a mat if the floor is so - so.)

So if you're looking for a new way to mix up your workouts, or want to start working out then give calisthenics a try, it's a great intro to fitness, and can be apart of your active rest day as you become more seasoned throughout your journey.

Start from the basics - push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and strive to progressively move on to more complex exercises, such as handstands.

The Verdict

After all is said and done, training isn't just about weights - it's also about fun and enjoyment. 

That's why finding the right balance between different training forms can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their performance. 

The key is to find what works best for you, not what works best for someone else or society's standards. 

So go out there and get active! You'll be glad you did. 

After all, what better way to stay in shape than tapping into your inner athlete?

Are you new to fitness but could use some Personal Coaching? Click here to book your complimentary session with Coach Roy and get started with a new path to fitness today!

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