Mobility vs Flexibility - What To Focus On?

Serge Roy • Feb 09, 2023

Here's a look at the key differences between mobility and flexibility - and what you need to know to choose the right one for you.

Most people think of mobility and flexibility as one and the same. But, in reality, they're two different things - with different goals. 

So, which should you focus on if you want to get the most out of your physical capabilities? 

Here's a look at the key differences between mobility and flexibility - and what you need to know to choose the right one for you.

What Is Flexibility?

When most people think of flexibility, they think of being able to do the splits or Touch their toes. Both are impressive, but this isn't the definition of flexibility.

So, what exactly is flexibility by definition?

Well, flexibility is the ability of a muscle, tendons, and ligaments to lengthen passively, without being fixed to a specific movement.

Flexibility can generally be improved by stretching exercises.

Most people are familiar with the idea of stretching, but there are actually many different types of stretches that can be used to improve flexibility. 

Static stretching is the most common type of stretching, and it involves holding a position for a period of time. 

Dynamic stretching is another popular type, and it involves moving in and out of a position repeatedly. 

Ballistic stretching is a more aggressive form of stretching that uses sudden movements to force the body into a stretched position. 

Each type of stretch has its own benefits, so it's important to experiment to find the one that works best for you.

What Is Mobility?

What exactly is mobility? According to the dictionary, mobility is the quality or state of being able to move freely and easily. 

But what does that really mean? To some, it might mean having the flexibility to MOVE your joints through a full range of motion. 

However, mobility can also refer to the ability to move your body freely and easily through space (your environment.)

In other words, while mobility requires it, it is not just about flexibility – it’s also about coordination and balance. 

Whether you’re dancing, running, or simply reaching for something on a shelf, mobility is an essential part of daily life. 

Think of mobility as an active, controlled, voluntary movement, moving through the available range of motion (flexibility.)

A good exercises example of this would be a single leg deadlift where as in this movement you'll be using using both your flexibility (hinging the upper body from the hips down towards the ground) and mobility (using your muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons and core to control the movement as you move through space.)

And although we often take it for granted, it’s something that we need to actively cultivate if we want to maintain our independence as we age. 

So next time you find yourself stretching your limbs or moving your body through space, remember that you’re doing more than just "stretching" – you’re also improving your mobility!

What’s More Important?

So, what should you focus on… Flexibility or mobility? Well, the truth is that in the fitness industry, flexibility has been demonized and people have been heavily focusing on mobility instead.

But in reality, both are different terms and are in fact, complimentary to one another.

In other words, mobility is just an expression of flexibility.

Mobility combines flexibility, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness.

For this reason, I recommend that you do both mobility and flexibility workouts, to improve your overall physical capabilities and reduce the risk of injury.

The Verdict?

Although flexibility is kind of demonized nowadays, it is, in fact, at the core of mobility.

Flexibility and/or stretching exercises can help improve the available range of motion of your joints, by lengthening the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Once those improvements are made, they can be practically applied, through intentional, voluntary movements (i.e. mobility)

What say you, are you incorporating any stretching and/or mobility into your routine? Join the conversation & leave your thoughts below.

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